Relationship Repairman

Mar 17, 20232 min

3 ways to improve communication in your marriage

Communication is key in all areas of life, especially in a marriage. If you are not communicating effectively with your spouse, it can be challenging to express yourself. When spouses have a hard time talking with each other, it can push you both farther away from each other, causes a rift. By learning effective communication tools, you can improve your marriage and make it easier for each party to feel safe and happy. When both people feel secure and confident to speak their mind, it's easier to deepen your bond. Rather than continually arguing, you can communicate constructively by taking some of the following steps and advice.

Steps to improve communication

1) Listen without being defensive

It can be easy to become defensive when listening to your spouse, but try to be open-minded and listen to what your spouse is saying. By coming from a less defensive frame of mind, you can communicate with your partner and come to a solution. For a marriage to succeed, both spouses must hear each other out when discussing difficult topics.

2) Be specific

When any type of issue arises, it's important to be specific about what is bothering you. By taking a specific approach to a conversation, you can get to the root of the problem and avoid any broad generalizations.

3) Express negative feelings constructively

When you are feeling angry, bitter, or disappointed, it's necessary to express that to move on, but it is important to do that in a productive way. By doing this, you can avoid spiraling into an argument that is not relevant and focus on the problem at hand. Your spouse will also be more receptive to listening if you approach with a constructive attitude rather than one that is accusatory.
